The Internet of Education is a valuable tool that connects students, educators and parents through social media, distance education and online web learning. At its basic form the internet provides students with a medium in which to submit papers, download course schedule and view class announcements and content. That is why this year, in addition …
Category: Office
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Aug 30 2017
Back to School Protective Gear for your iPhone by Yesgo
Many of us over the next few days will be shopping for back to school clothing so that our kids ones make that perfect first impression. Well this year why not give your tech a back to school makeover that not only will make it look good but protect it. Smart phones are still an expensive investment. …
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Aug 29 2017
Looking to take VR games to the next level with the ZEISS VR ONE Connect
Virtual Reality has slowly migrated from the extreme to the mainstream over the last few years. Whether it be for work (i.e. training, education etc) or pleasure, some still question the practicality of leveraging VR in every day tasks or the quality of the solutions provide. For Virtual Reality entertainment, typical complaints of avid gamers are …
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Aug 15 2017
Retro Gadgets with the Azio Luxury Vintage Keyboard
Amazingly Retro Gadgets are very popular. Whether it be Nintendo or Records or Telephone Handset Receiver Cords with cables good old technology is in vogue. Our friends at Azio have developed a Luxury Keyboard with the look and feel of a traditional typewriter. Azio perfected every design detail. The finish of the Azio Luxury Vintage …
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Jul 31 2017
Smart Tech makes Heavenly Sleep Effortless with SleepAce
The benefits of the ever hyper-connected lifestyle introduces health challenges. For many of us, having constant access to mobile tech, emails and other electronically enabled and internet connected devices result in emotional attachment to our High Tech devices. In some cases the end consequence is something that affects 45 percent of the World’s population which is …
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Jul 19 2017
Elegant High Tech Wearable Fashion immersed with Bluetooth
Finding Elegant Electronic Gadgets is as easy as saying WizPak™. One of misnomers of technology is that it is just functional and boring. Anyone who things tech types don’t know anything about fashion should talk with our friends at WizPak™. Nothing spells Gadget gorgeous more than WizPak™ Riri. A mix of High Tech sound meets …
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Jul 10 2017
Innovative Laptop Transformation by IOGEAR
Many of you remember the Intel announcement in May of the integration of Thunderbolt 3 into future Intel CPUs and releasing the Thunderbolt protocol specification to the industry in 2018. At that time Intel’s VP, Chris Walker indicated that, “Intel’s vision for Thunderbolt was not just to make a faster computer port, but a simpler and …
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Jun 23 2017
Sensational Smart IoT Hydration Tech for Sizzling Summer Days
Many us have heard the water mantra ‘8 by 8’, that we need to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. The origins of this misnomer date back to 1945. Although there is no definitive answer for the daily amount of water a person should drink each day, what is certain is that with this …
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