Category: Pets

Guardians of BarkTech : Catalyst Unleashes the Future of Pet Safety

Catalyst dog collar comfortable design no dangling no snagging no hard edges on dog s skin

Losing your family dog or cat can be an extremely traumatic event. According to statistics from the American Humane Association approximately 10 million dogs and cats are reported lost or stolen in the United States each year. Additionally, one-third of all dogs and cats in the United States are reported missing in their lifetimes, more …

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Fur-tastic Tech: RCA Unleashes Innovation for Your Furry Friends

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RCA is an iconic heritage brand known technology for more than a century. During its esteemd history, it has unveiled ground breaking technology. Among the cornucopia of disruptive tech released by RCA included the World’s first consumer color television (1954), the first monochrome (1968) and color television (1971) cameras that went on the moon. RCA …

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The Neakasa M1 could be the Ultimate Smart Tech for your Cat

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Smart technology refers to connected devices, systems and apps that use artificial intelligence, internet connectivity and other advanced features to automate and enhance various tasks Smart tech has a long and fascinating history that spans from the early days of computing to the present day. In 1975 the first home automation platform, the X10 was …

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Meet Aimicat, A Robot Litter box with lots of Smart Technology

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Almost any animal you can imagine has been used as inspiration for Robots. However, ironically it is now Robots, Intelligent Software and digital tools are being used to take care of our animals. The latest in innovative tech for your cat is Aimicat the smart litter box that takes the waste out of your cat’s …

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A sprinkle of IoT is great for your Cat #CES2020

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Here at the worlds largest Consumer Electronics Show, Technology has gone to the cats? Innovative French Tech extraordinaire and cat lover Novandsat has created an IoT connected litter box “Caremitou” designed to check and track your cats’ health and wellness. Caremitou is made up of three components: The Caremitou connected litter BOX – The litter …

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Roku introduces the Pet-Friendly streaming remote

Roku press paws remote

Roku pioneered streaming for the TV, and aspire to power every TV in the world. At Roku, They believe TV is for everyone – even for pets!  According to latest customer feedback, many of you lean on the TV to help entertain their playful pooch when they’re not at home.  For our favorite furry friends, …

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The Paby Smart Pet Tracker will let you know “Who Let the Dogs & Cats Out”


Losing a pet unfortunately is more common than we think. According to statistics by the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), an estimated 5 million to 7 million dogs and cats enter shelters in the US. Here at NewGizmoBlog, we realize that for every problem, there are cool Gadgets that …

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Consumers await for CES 2017 the Worlds Largest Electronics show in Las Vegas


Welcome to near eve of CES 2017 in Las Vegas. This year will mark 50 years of amazing technology. Just how do we summarize the expectations of the worlds largest and best Consumer Electronics Event? Well lets look at last year’s event to provide you with a taste of what to expect. Last year nearly 177,393 attendees …

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