In a world with Smart Cities, Smart Cars and Smart Homes. The Smart Kitchen is being transformed with Next Gen Technology immersed with AI and IoT. The Mellow Duo is the first smart sous-vide machine that will revolutionize your kitchen and cooking. Sous vide is a cooking technique that not only takes your food preparation …
Category: Robot Technology
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Sep 23 2019
Rise of The Robot Invasion in your Home ?
Most of us believe the Robot Invasion is imminent According to a survey conducted by researchers at the Brookings Institution , 52% percent of adults believe robots will have advanced to the point where they can perform most of the activities currently done by humans within the next 30 years Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics …
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Jul 24 2019
3 Things AI can provide for your next Amazing Vacation
On your next trip, don’t forget to take your personal AI assistant with you. Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML) are Changing Our World And Powering consumers’ personal revolutions. In the last decade, artificial intelligence has quickly impacted each of our daily lives. Whether it be online with a chatbot asking how it could help …
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Feb 08 2019
Would you swipe right for an AI?
Would you swipe right for an AI? Valentine’s Day is for the romantics. It provides an opportunity to spend time with that special someone. However, contrary to the commercialism, it is not the day for everyone. According to the US Census Bureau 47.3 % or approximate 115.78 million 18 year olds or older are single. …
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Jun 08 2018
Disruptive Artificial Intelligence that will Transform your Carry-On
More than any other technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the killer Disruptive Tech that will change consumer’s lives forever. Today, Google’s stunning Duplex demo #AI assistant making a reservation and Netflix’s learning algorithms that suggest your next film to watch are small example’s of how Artificial Intelligence is making an impact on our daily …
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Sep 11 2017
The Mr Belvedere of Aqua Robotic Technology
Sharknado is an extremely popular cult classic in which humongous flying sharks team up with nature’s Biggest, Nastious hurricanes to cause chaos for all humans on the sea, land and air. Although not as bad, having recently being asked to fish sit for a few weeks, I can attest that fish can get a little agitated should you forget to …
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Jun 27 2017
Fad or Fantastic? A Controversial new 360 degree world
Are 360 degree videos and photos the future evolution for photos and videos? For the last few years I have read many articles online that talk about 360 degree videos being a flash in the pan or a fad. Although, perhaps it has not become integrated into the consumer mindset as fast as expected, I …
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Jun 12 2017
A Smart BBQ Gadget that will make this years Father’s day sizzle
With the smells of the summer BBQ season high into gear, here is a pretty cool smart home gadget that will help you cook up a hot Father’s day. Since the earliest periods of time, man has always prided himself on hunting and cooking. Homo erectus, the homonid just before Neanderthal man, after discovering fire around one …
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