Finding a Lost or Stolen Wallet can be a challenge! According to a study conducted in the United States, it is estimated that nearly 300,000 wallets are stolen each and every year. Outside of the obvious loss of money, the biggest challenge is recovering your id cards and contacting your bank to replace your banking …
Category: Security / Safety
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Sep 15 2023
Minimalist Transformative Wearable Technology
Wearable technology has come a long way since its inception in the early 1960s. The first modern wearable technology was created in 1961 by Claude Shannon and Edward Thorpe, which was a small four-button computer that could easily fit into a person’s shoe or be strapped around their waist. The next frontier for Wearable Technology …
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Apr 02 2023
How to protect your home with AI
With spring here and summer on the horizon there is a lot to love about the hot season of the year. Whether it be the sunny weather, picnics, going to the beach, and road trips. However, unfortunately there’s a downside for homeowners. As a result of owners being away, home invasions and burglaries tend to …
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Mar 30 2023
Your last coffee was with a Hacker?
You may not know it but your last latte may have been with a hacker. Today, most organizations have hybrid environments for their work force. Although they provide more flexibility, they also can be more challenging because it’s extremely difficult to secure. The very nature of hybrid workspaces makes them vulnerable to an array of …
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Feb 19 2023
Your NAS thinks your Public Cloud Costs are too Expensive
More clouds, more complexity, more challenges, more costs? Is it time for you to change your home cloud computing approach? Your NAS certainly thinks so. Cloud computing may be the tidal wave of the digital revolution. Many of us now use public cloud services like Google Cloud, iCloud (Mac), Creative Cloud (Adobe users), and DropBox. …
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Mar 07 2022
Ultra Modern Tech for the Urban Cyclist
Cycling has long been one of the fastest, most flexible and reliable methods of transport in the city. However, during the pandemic years, consumers have been pedal to the metal all over the country for cycling. Bicycles provided both a eco-friendly commuting option and an outdoor activity at a time when COVID-19 travel bans and …
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Jan 05 2022
The best accessories for your smartphone and smartwatch #CES2022
Your phone is with you virtually all of the time. Whether it be at work, at home, on vacation or even in the shower (yes that is true), staying connected has become an essential part of our lives. The first thing you might want to buy for your smartphone or smart watch is an impact …
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Jan 05 2022
Disruptive Home Automation Tech #CES2022
In some areas of society, technology has become an inseparable part of daily life However, in other demographics, it has not become as disruptive of a force. due to the challenges with accessibility. The population 50 and older in the U.S. will generate $7.6 trillion in economic activity. However, beyond the economic impact, technology for this …
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